DutchtownSTL.org is a built-from-scratch WordPress-powered community information portal. No store-bought themes, no cut-and-paste templates. Every line of code on DutchtownSTL.org has been carefully considered and reconsidered to create an engaging and well-performing site while operating on a shoestring budget.

The website has been optimized to be highly performant, ranking highly in Google audits. As with most websites these days, the majority of visitors to DutchtownSTL.org are on mobile devices, and the site has been built with functionality and legibility on small screens at the forefront. In spite of carrying a lot of content, the site is lean and quick on desktop and mobile.

DutchtownSTL.org was created with the specific goal of becoming the #1 result for Google searches for “Dutchtown” in the St. Louis area, and that endeavor has been successful.
I’m constantly tweaking to help improve performance and search results for DutchtownSTL.org, in addition to continuously generating new content.